Difference between
Power center receive all product functionality including ability to multiple register servers and metadata across the repository and partition data.
One repository multiple informatica servers. Power mart received all features except multiple register servers and partition data.
What is a staging area?
Staging area is a temporary storage area used for transaction, integrated and rather than transaction processing.
When ever your data put in data warehouse you need to clean and process your data.
Explain Additive, Semi-additive, Non-additive facts?
Additive fact: Additive Fact can be aggregated by simple arithmetical additions.
Semi-Additive fact: semi additive fact can be aggregated simple arithmetical. Additions along with some other dimensions.
Non-additive fact: Non-additive fact can’t be added at all.
What is a Fact less Fact and example?
Fact table which has no measures.
Explain Surrogate Key?
Surrogate Key is a series of sequential numbers assigned to be a primary key for the table.
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